
Purchasing antivirus software? Consider the following points

To keep business computers safe from malicious software, finding the best antivirus solution is crucial. You should choose an antivirus program with features, such as real-time protection against viruses, malware or other online threats; cloud scanning capability to detect zero-day threats; remote management capabilities for a streamlined IT experience; and comprehensive reports about system operations […]

Microsoft 365: The SMB’s secret weapon for growth

As a small- or medium-sized business (SMB) owner, you know that growth is essential for success. But achieving growth can be difficult, especially when you’re working with limited resources. That’s where Microsoft 365 comes in. Do more with less Microsoft 365 is a comprehensive suite of tools and services designed to help SMBs get more […]

Ensure your online safety with private browsing

Have you ever scrolled through the internet only to find yourself bombarded by ads for something that caught your eye earlier? Don’t be surprised. Big tech companies are experts at tracking and analyzing your online activity in order to create customized, targeted ad content that follows you wherever you go. If this makes you uncomfortable, […]

Why you need an identity and access management solution

Cyberattacks are becoming increasingly common, and as a business owner, you need to deploy strong defenses if you want to protect sensitive data. Many companies rely on antivirus software and firewalls, but those solutions are no longer enough. A cutting-edge identity and access management (IAM) solution is essential for protecting your digital assets from hackers, […]

Printer security tips your business needs to know

You may not think of your office printers as a security risk, but hackers certainly do. In fact, many hackers exploit certain vulnerabilities in printers to gain access to a company’s data or even infiltrate business IT systems without anyone noticing. Here are some crucial steps you can take to protect your business printers from […]

How to give your home Wi-Fi a boost

As businesses continuously adopt remote work arrangements, having fast and reliable home Wi-Fi connections is a must. Unfortunately, home Wi-Fi connections don’t offer the same level of performance as enterprise-grade ones, so you may suffer dropped Wi-Fi signals while you’re attending online meetings or finishing up a report. You can resolve this issue by investing […]

Improve Your Cyber Security Awareness

Learn About Today’s Most Common Types Of Cyber-Attacks If you’ve turned on the news sometime during the past few years, you’ve probably heard of more than one instance where a business closed due to a cyber-attack. You may think your business is small enough and hackers won’t target you, but this couldn’t be further from […]

The power of Microsoft 365 Groups Connector: How connectors can enhance collaboration

Many businesses rely on Microsoft 365 Groups to facilitate collaboration among team members. This powerful cross-application service can be incredibly useful for sharing resources and communicating with coworkers. But did you know that connectors can make Groups even more useful? Connectors allow users to send messages or files to anyone in the group, right from […]